Since they treat it just like any other academic test.
They believe that because they were good students throughout their education, they can easily pass any exam in India ( Fact- CA Final is in the list of top 10 toughest exams of India)
As a result of their procrastination
Because they don’t strive to beat their plans or plan things ahead of time
Because they waste their time with their gf/bf and don’t take coaching classes seriously.
Due to the fact that they have their true boss—WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram—on their mobile device, which prevents them from studying. And they lack the confidence to remove the app and delete their account.
Because they believe that studying is less important than their friend’s relative getting married.
Because they believe top students come from another planet and that all they need to pass an exam is a passing grade (this is the “worst fallacy” because even top CA students only receive passing grades in some topics.)
They spend more time on topics they find interesting while ignoring others ( Ideally it should be in reverse order)
Because they simply audit practical questions rather than practicing the questions at home during the allotted ICAI period.
Because they don’t prepare concise notes for revision the day before the exam.
(Short notes are 90 pages long, with IDT as the subject.)
since taking practice exams doesn’t help them enhance their writing.
They prepare for the worst case scenario out of dread of failing the exam.
They unnecessarily carry the burden of society’s and their parents’ expectations. In my next Quora answers, I will go into more detail about this.
Because they begin making money during their articleship by bringing in clients for their principal.
Because their principal forbids them from reading even a common exam-related book at the office for fear that it may disturb the work environment and inspire other students to study for exams there as well,
Because the number of audit assignments received by their principals is out of proportion to their handling capacity.
Because they still do not understand that this exam takes special efforts even after two or three tries.
because they believe that they excel in commerce and can pass any commerce exam without a lot of preparation ( Some realize after few attempts that FM concepts , ISCA and even some chapters in accounts viz Amalgamation , Consolidation doesn’t fit in their definition of simple Commerce.)
They believe that their efforts are unquestionable, even if they fail the CA exam.
The obvious explanation is that everyone in society believes that passing the CA exam on the first try is a miracle.
Due to the fact that they themselves did not receive enough time to prepare for the tests, their principal does not grant them enough vacation time.
But don’t fear about this join with us for better performance. I explain Everything more easily and relevantly and clear all the doubts.
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