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Introduction of Goods and services tax:
GST is “one indirect tax” for the entire country, creating a single, integrated common market in India.
A single tax known as GST is applied to the supply of goods and services from the manufacturer to the customer. Goods and services tax is essentially a tax only on value addition at each level because credits of input taxes paid at each stage will be available in the following stage of value addition. Thus, with setoff advantages at all earlier stages, the ultimate consumer will only be responsible for paying the GST that the last dealer in the supply chain charged.
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The advantages of GST can be summed up as follows:
A) Regarding commerce and industry:
- Simple compliance: The GST regime in India would be built on a strong and comprehensive IT system. All tax payer services, including registrations, returns, payments, etc., would therefore be accessible to taxpayers online, making compliance simple and open.
- Uniformity of tax rates and structures: By ensuring that indirect tax rates and structures are uniform across the nation, GST will improve company certainty and efficiency. In other words, regardless of the location of a business, GST would make conducting business in the nation tax neutral.
- Removal of cascading: There would be very little tax cascading if there were a system of seamless tax credits that were applied across the value chain and across State boundaries. This would lower unintentional business expenses.
- Improved competitiveness: The ability of trade and industry to compete would gradually increase with a reduction in transaction costs.
- Gain for exporters and manufacturers: The cost of locally produced goods and services will decrease with the inclusion of significant Central and State taxes in GST, complete and comprehensive setoff of input goods and services, and the gradual elimination of Central Sales Tax (CST). This would raise Indian exports and improve the competitiveness of Indian goods and services on the global market. The homogeneity of tax laws and procedures across the nation will also significantly lower the cost of compliance.
B) State and federal governments:
- Simple and easy to administer: The GST is replacing a number of indirect taxes at the federal and state levels. GST would be simpler and easier to administer than any other indirect taxes the Center and States have imposed in the past if supported by a strong end-to-end IT system.
- Better leakage controls: GST will improve tax compliance because of a strong IT infrastructure. The seamless transfer of input tax credits from one stage to the next in the chain of value addition makes it possible for the GST to have an internal mechanism that would encourage traders to pay their taxes on time.
- Greater revenue effectiveness: GST is anticipated to lower the cost of tax revenue collection for the government, which will increase revenue efficiency.
C) For the consumer:
- The value of goods and services should be reflected in a single, transparent tax: The cost of the majority of products and services in the country are now heavily burdened with hidden taxes as a result of the several indirect taxes that the Center and State levy and the incomplete or nonexistent input tax credits that are offered at various levels of value addition. Since there would be just one tax applied from the manufacturer to the customer under GST, taxes paid by the final consumer would be transparent.
- Reduction in the total tax burden: The overall tax burden on the majority of commodities will decrease due to efficiency improvements and the elimination of leaks, which will benefit consumers.
Read also: What is the difference between direct and indirect tax?